Analyzing data for automatic datavisualization

In the world of technology, data is the most important resource. So, processing and put data in statistical form become more important than ever and currently many software exist (Excel, Google sheet …) but most are still closed source products…

Apache James joins the Hacktoberfest !

The Hacktoberfest is a month-long collaborative event organized by Github and DigitalOcean to promote OpenSource contributions during the month of October. Have you never been contributing to a project? Don’t you know which project to contribute to? Don’t you know…

Installing James 3.0 With SPF Verification

In this article, we will cover the installation of James Server 3.0 with Docker.We will use the cassandra-guice flavor, which ships a James server storing mailboxes in a Cassandra database and indexing them into an Elasticsearch service. The main purpose…

Advanced Node.JS Meetup

Writing NodeJS applications is an easy task for JavaScript developers. However, getting what is happening under the hood in NodeJS may be intimidating, but understanding it is vital for web developers. Indeed, when you try to learn NodeJS, most tutorials…

OpenPaaS Newsletter 6 – August 2017

For this August newsletter, nothing technical since most of the OpenPaaS Team members were on holidays this month. Some of them wanted to share what they did: relaxing in front of the sea, hiking in mountains, visiting new cities… and…

Schema migrations with Cassandra

Here you can see James developers heading to better Cassandra schema design. At Linagora, the OpenPaaS project relies on the Apache JAMES mail server. We decided to serve emails on top of Cassandra in an effort to be highly available.…

To quote, or not to quote, that is the question

You can feel alone when learning shell When working with my workmates on some command line — so every time I work in pair in fact — I often hear the same question: with quotes? simple or double? I would…

(Open)LDAP best practices — Part 1

I started working on LDAP about 15 years ago, almost at the same time I stepped in LINAGORA. As often with love, it was hard and passionate at the beginning. My first steps in the LDAP world were about writing…

Pimp your Command Line Interface Bro!

Command Line Interfaces (CLI for close friends) are still so useful but are not always so beautiful. While hacking on a new GitLab CLI these summer nights, I was thinking on how I can beautify and UXify it. Here is…

Key Elements for a Successful Ideation Workshop

In the last decades, ideation workshops have become a fundamental step to find new ideas and meet the significant innovation requirements currently faced by companies. LinDA here reveals the workshops’ key elements it applies during its open thinking. Article disponible…


L’atelier d’idéation est devenu une étape essentielle pour trouver des idées nouvelles et répondre aux impératifs d’innovation que connaissent les entreprises aujourd’hui. LinDA dévoile ici les clés de la méthodologie qu’elle utilise pour son open thinking. Available in English L’avènement…

Dive in Maven plugins for coffee addicts

A proof that even god needs coffee to be efficient at work in the morning! It is well known that programmer is a device that turns coffee into code! Thus, coffee supply is the determining factor of the entire software…
europython linagora open source

EuroPython : CFFI, C library… LINAGORA was there!

First, let me introduce myself. I’m Jean Sebastien Bevilacqua, an Open Source Software fan and a Python developer. Thanks to LINAGORA, I spend all my time developing free softwares and it’s LINAGORA which encouraged me to participate to EuroPython. At…