
Desktop App Barcamp under the sun

As a distributed team, we love to get together several time per year to work on new things and have great time in cool places. Last week, I had the pleasure to receive a part of the OpenPaaS (OP) team…

OpenPaaS Newsletter – June 2017

As a foretaste of holidays, June, with its warm and sunny days, puts us in a good mood 🙂 So, today we are really happy to present you the significant advances done in OpenPaaS. This newsletter is particularly Calendar and…

From WebStorm to VSCode: road to the freedom

Which IDE may help me the most throughout my JavaScript development as a fullstack JS developer? This question represents the main question a fullstack JS developer may ask regarding the variety of IDEs that allow him to code in JavaScript.…

OpenPaaS NG research project: 2nd year

OpenPaaS is a collaborative platform, developed with love and ethics by Linagora. The OpenPaaS developers also participate to an ambitious research project, named “OpenPaaS:NG”. We work with other awesome Open Source companies, Nexedi and xWiki, and great research laboratories, Polytechnique…
LinToday assistant virtuel

[Présentation] Les assistants personnels avec la plateforme OpenPaaS

LinTODAY est une application dĂ©veloppĂ©e sur la base technologique d’OpenPaas. Elle entrevoit les interactions humaines avec les supports numĂ©riques et les objets dans un futur très proche. LinTODAY explore, analyse, anticipe sur la base des informations professionnelles et personnelles. L’application…

Réservation de ressources : Généralités (1/3)

Dans le cadre d’une veille technologique pour un de nos clients publics, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le sujet de la rĂ©servation de ressources. Il s’agit de gĂ©rer les salles et les rĂ©servations de salles. L’article suivant constitue la 1ère partie de…
contact OpenPaas

Create a OpenPaas module

OpenPaas is using a technological stack very closed to the MEAN stack. To be modular, we created a complete module framework allowing anyone to wrap its own fullstack web application (express+angularjs) then include this project inside OpenPaas, getting finally access…