
Pimp your Command Line Interface Bro!

Command Line Interfaces (CLI for close friends) are still so useful but are not always so beautiful. While hacking on a new GitLab CLI these summer nights, I was thinking on how I can beautify and UXify it. Here is…

GitLab rivals… Winter is here

Here in Linagora, we believe in OpenSource. We know that the OpenSource community attracts motivated developers who are often very disciplined. These developers know that their code represent their CV, hence they try to write it in the most elegant…

Caching REST calls when offline

Some members of the OpenPaas team and Linshare team had a meeting in Agde for a desktop bar-camp. The aim was to produce a desktop version of OpenPaas using Electron that will also support offline mode. While a part of…

Story of a BarCamp

So last week happened, and it was…awesome! Gladly invited by the OpenPaas (OP) Team, me and a couple of other guy from the LinShare team were on-board for our first BarCamp ever (Yay!). So let’s review together how it happened…

Desktop App Barcamp under the sun

As a distributed team, we love to get together several time per year to work on new things and have great time in cool places. Last week, I had the pleasure to receive a part of the OpenPaaS (OP) team…

From WebStorm to VSCode: road to the freedom

Which IDE may help me the most throughout my JavaScript development as a fullstack JS developer? This question represents the main question a fullstack JS developer may ask regarding the variety of IDEs that allow him to code in JavaScript.…
Angular - Morning to understand

[Matinée pour comprendre] – Angular

Maxime, Javascript & Angular lover, a présenté aujourd’hui les grandes orientations et nouveautés d’Angular. Semantic versioning, Typescript, Web components, performance, Angular Cli, Material, Mobile kit, Protractor, State management and data flow, RxJs, Redux etc. ont été abordés lors de cette…