
OpenPaaS is out!

A technical dive inside the platform The developers at Linagora are thrilled to announce the first stable release of OpenPaaS, simply dubbed 1.0! This production-ready release is the result of four years of agile-driven work by our awesome developers and…

Searching email address in Elasticsearch

You may have heard about Apache James, the enterprise mail server which we use in OpenPaaS project to provide mail feature. The reason behind this choice is obvious: James is complete, stable, secure and extendable. And guess what, Linagora is…

Gestion Electronique de Documents : Autres aspects (4/4)

Dans le cadre d’une veille stratĂ©giques pour un de nos clients publics, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les solutions de gestion Ă©lectronique de documents. L’article suivant constitue la 4ème partie sur les composants Recherche, Persistence, Workflow et les aspects SĂ©curitĂ© et Performances…