apache james

Summer of code

Apache James joins Google Summer of Code 2018

This year, some employees of Linagora will propose ideas of Google Summer of Code projects for students, as part of their work on the Apache James project. Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student…

Apache James joins the Hacktoberfest !

The Hacktoberfest is a month-long collaborative event organized by Github and DigitalOcean to promote OpenSource contributions during the month of October. Have you never been contributing to a project? Don’t you know which project to contribute to? Don’t you know…

Installing James 3.0 With SPF Verification

In this article, we will cover the installation of James Server 3.0 with Docker.We will use the cassandra-guice flavor, which ships a James server storing mailboxes in a Cassandra database and indexing them into an Elasticsearch service. The main purpose…