OpenPaaS Newsletter 12 – February 2018

Introduction That’s it, winter is well settled. Get cozy, and let our February edition warm your heart a bit. Today we seize the opportunity to introduce you and CryptPad. These two web applications are currently being integrated into OpenPaaS,…
Summer of code

Apache James joins Google Summer of Code 2018

This year, some employees of Linagora will propose ideas of Google Summer of Code projects for students, as part of their work on the Apache James project. Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student…

How to choose a Message Queue

I’m working in a team which is developing a mail server: James. This project is a subpart of the OpenPaaS project, involving multiple teams. In this mail server we need to implement a distributed mail queue. A mail queue is…

Install k8s Minikube on top of KVM on Debian 9

You want to do some Kubernetes on your laptop? You probably know that the solution is named Minikube. Last time I tried to have minikube running on a debian, I had hard time finding the right way to do it,…

Using SonarQube to Analyze a Java Project (Part 2)

In the previous article on that subject, we walked through a working setup of SonarQube to analyze the Apache James source code. In this shorter article, we continue with two more advanced features and eventually discuss how this initiative benefited…

OpenPaaS #2 Le calendrier [vidéo]

Pour continuer la présentation des modules d’OpenPaaS, John vous parle ici du calendrier et vous explique son fonctionnement. Le calendrier d’OpenPaaS constitue une solution particulièrement adaptée pour subvenir aux besoins d’organisation concertée des différents collaborateurs et partenaires d’une entreprise. Au-delà…

Using SonarQube to Analyze a Java Project

For the past weeks, I have tried to leverage SonarQube in order to do static analysis of the James source code. This article reports and describes some of the things I did to eventually spot a few security issues in …

Travailler avec une équipe agile à distance

For English version, click here. En tant que Product Owner chez Linagora, je coordonne le développement d’une nouvelle plateforme de support logiciel sur OpenPaaS avec notre équipe technique basée au Vietnam. Dans cet article, j’aimerais vous partager les outils et…

How to build quickly a Minimum Viable Product

As a product owner at Linagora, I have the objective to release a workable product within a tight schedule. In this article, I would like to share some tips in order to get to a testable Minimal Viable Product (MVP)…

Concevoir une plateforme de support logiciel

Click here for English version. En tant que Product Owner chez Linagora, une de mes missions est la conception d’une nouvelle plateforme d'assistance logicielle. Dans cet article, j’aimerai partager certaines pratiques de conception de logiciel que nous utilisons pour améliorer…

Designing an IT helpdesk platform

Cliquer ici pour la version française. As a product owner at Linagora, I'm in charge of designing a new helpdesk platform following our IT support model. In this article, I would like to share some software design practices we use…

Construisons ensemble le chatbot bancaire dedemain !

Retrouvez les slides réalisées pour notre Meetup collaboratif du jeudi 9 novembre 2017 : "Construisons ensemble le chatbot bancaire de demain !" Après la publication de son étude sur les chatbots de l'écosystème bancaire "ChatBots et intelligence artificielle arrivent dans…

Working with an agile team remotely

As a product owner at Linagora, I coordinate the development of a new helpdesk software on OpenPaaS with our technical team based in Vietnam. In this article, I would like to share the tools and practices I use with my…

Searching email address in Elasticsearch

You may have heard about Apache James, the enterprise mail server which we use in OpenPaaS project to provide mail feature. The reason behind this choice is obvious: James is complete, stable, secure and extendable. And guess what, Linagora is…

Scalability in video-conferencing (Part 1)

OpenPaaS is an open collaboration platform for business. Linagora developed which is a free and Open-Source video-conferencing tool built into OpenPaaS. This virtual meeting is based on the WebRTC standard that provides browsers tools for real-time communications, and Linagora…